a.s.h Virtual Gift

- Relogin
- Single ID Login
- 10 Gift Categories
- Gift Price
- Select and Send Multiple Gifts
- Categories: Fun, Gadgets, Holiday, Love, Music, Animals, Cute, Exclusive, Food, Friendship


Mozilla FireFox 3.0.9 Final


Mozilla Firefox dibulan april 2010 ini telah merilis update firefox. Kini Browser Firefox hadir dengan versi yang baru : Firefox 3.0.9 Final. Firefox 3.0.9 direlease untuk memperbaiki dan menyempurnakan beberapa bug dan kekurangan yang terdapat pada versi sebelumnya. Sehingga pada versi yang baru ini Web Browser Firefox makin nyaman dan bagus untuk digunakan.

Mozilla Firefox - Faster, more secure, easier to use and sporting a new look, this latest Firefox release sets a new standard for web browser innovation. Mozilla Firefox project (formerly Firebird, which was formerly Phoenix) is a redesign of Mozilla’s browser component, written using the XUL user interface language and designed to be cross-platform. It is small, fast and easy to use, and offers many advantages over other web browsers, such as the tabbed browsing and the ability to block pop-up windows.

Firefox 3.0.9 fixes several issues found in Firefox 3.0.8 :

* Fixed several security issues.
* Fixed several stability issues.
* Many users experienced an issue where a corrupt local database caused Firefox to “lose” its stored cookies
* Fixed an issue where, starting with Firefox 3.0.7, inline image attachments on popular webmail services (like AOL and AIM) would not display.
* Large forms would sometimes take a long time to submit.
* In certain cases, new windows would not have proper focus.

download here

EyesWars v4.20 {mobile, game}


Many MigWars features has been added in this edited version of Mig33 v4.20


em0WarsV42 build 2


update 23 march 2010
there is a new app nih lg maen migWars create playful,
fiturna same right arrow just okay g klo fit for the item number and purchase items
ama mo tax bnyak who have sold items can be gunain here
- Buy Item unlimited (not via the item number)
- Sell Unlimited Items
- Figt rival en
- Invite friend via the name and number
- View typr items (weapons, protection, vehicles, Loot, boosts, Shakedowns)
- Listings menu (fight hit lists, journaling, gang member, gang invitations)
